Today we publicly present the Multidisciplinary Group of experts in the prevention and detection of child sexual abuse, equality and diversities that from different perspectives and lines of work have been collaborating for months with the EDUCAP team, in the first phase of the Project, contributing and giving us feedback in the development of the pedagogical guide. Thank you! ——————-#derechosinfancia#abusossexuales#stopabusosexualinfantil
Author: admin
Public presentation of European EDUCAP Project
On Tuesday 24 May, the public presentation of the European EDUCAP project (Multiplying Educational Capacities to Combat Sexual Violence Against Children) took place at the PB 05 Room of the Faculty of Mgisteri, University of Valencia. “This presentation conference was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).”
About EDUCAP Project
Multiplying educational capacities to
combat sexual violence against children